Sunday Selfies: The Most Fun For All During Quarantine Times…

Yes it really is, cause its a bright spot for each of us pawticipants and our peeps…and its fun too! Thanks, Kitties Blue for always being so faithful to be the hosts of this weekly Blog Hop. We love it…and we love you too:)

And we love and appawsiate all our furends!Not much new to report on this week…it gets pretty boring when everyone is at home all the days. Though Petcretary does leave betimes to go to her job at the nursing home. And pawppy, being in management at his work is now going to his office once a week. He says there isn’t anyone there, unless those who deal with emergencies within the city’s infrastructure have to show up to clear up whatever troubles there might be. They did have to come in for a bit to deal with the snow we had on Friday morning…yup, snow on April 17th. Go figure.

Now its all gone, the three inches we had.

But it did not look so good on all the spring flowers…and the poor weeping cherry would have blossomed if it had not gotten so cold and snowy. It was covered. Today its warmer and just maybe there is hope for it to put on a show. We hope so.

The daffs are OK, but the bluebells are looking rather flattened…sigh…

Last night, petcretary got up from her desk to get ready for bed…and she nearly stepped on a very wet and dead mouse! Eeuuwww! Benji. Yes, in the morning she could see where he had dug out yet another trench to capture the poor beastie…

Pawppy remarked he thought it was kitties who brought ‘presents’ for their peeps, not doggies….but Benji must be the stand-in for Pipo, MOL/BOL!

Nope, no pics…TMI!

Snow covered Weeping Cherry tree. The snow is just starting, its heavy and wet.
Where are those pretty buds, now?
Oh, they are buried…
Trees in the neighbor’s yard.
A hungry and cold sparrow…
Another sparrow
I am trying to nap on that snowy day…
Even in the sun puddle she wakes me up…

Saturday, (4/18), the day after all this snow fell, well the sun was glorious and  spring seems imminent once again. Hooray!

Weeping Cherry Tree, April 18th, 2020

The buds are soon going to be very pretty blossoms!

Sorry that some of those pictures are fuzzy, it was very windy and hard to get a good focus…
The daffs survived all the cold and snow!
Even the Downy Woodpecker is grateful for his meal in the sunbeams, so he posed for a selfie!
Please join all the others in The Sunday Selfies Blog-Hop

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9 thoughts on “Sunday Selfies: The Most Fun For All During Quarantine Times…

  1. WOW!! Your woodpecker is SUPERB!! What a wonderful picture.

    As for the snow!?!?!?!?! Well we never did that is so weird mid-april.We had snow once (2001) everyone hated it MOL!!!!

    Say safe, stay well.

    Marjorie and the cats

    • Thanks!
      At least that snow melted quickly:)

  2. The snow was pretty, but glad it didn’t stick around. Nice selfies. Pipo, your eyes are such a nice blue. XO

    • Thanks!
      We were not sad to see the snow melt…

  3. Mew mew mew youss’ are havin Swinter there! Wee have it here too. Snowss at nite then meltss inn daytime. Snowdropss are so droopy wee think they went to sleep til next yeer. Petcretary yore Weepin Cherry an other flower fotoss are deelitefull….so colorfull an purrty!
    Pipo you look so hansum purr usual an daltona an benji yore selfiess are so soul full.
    Wishin efurryone a safe an Virus free week…bee carefull Petcretary. Wee purray fore you dailee.
    ***purrsss*** an ❤ ❤ ❤ BellaDharma

    • Thank you!

      We hope you are staying virus free too. So far so good here…

  4. Thank you for sparing us the TMI! We know it happens, and we’ve experienced it ourselves, but we are happier not to observe it! 🙂
    Beautiful bird and flower photos. We are glad your snow didn’t last very long. We didn’t get the snow, other than some flurries, but Saturday was damp, cold, and dreary, and the Mom had no ambition to do anything!
    Luckily Sunday was far more spring-like here too, so the moods improved, and some things got done!
    Jan & the crew at Wag ‘n Woof Pets

  5. Wonderful picture of a woodpecker ! Great shot ! We’re glad the snow melted so fast ! Happy spring ! Purrs

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