Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton

Dalton celebrated his second gotcha day on Sept 28th. Petcretary was working, so there was not a true dogabration, and it has been very rainy here…not the best weather for having a pawrty outside, so there will be  a belated one at home sometime when *she* is off… Happy Gotcha Day, Dalton!! Oh, I think…

Pirate Selfies…A Little Late…

We missed Pirate Day…Yarghh! So now we have to be satisfied with our semi Talk Like A Pirate Day, cause Petcretary was at her work…We be not too jovial about missing that fun day, but here we are anyways! AHOY! We be Ferocious PiratePups… So you’d best not mess with us. BOL!  Yargh! The pups…

Selfies With A Silly Pipo And Silly Pups, Too!

We have gotten a new computer to replace the stolen one, and a few days ago, unfurbro-the-elder moved the files from her borrowed one onto the new one, and pawppy got ahold of the backed up files, (Thankfully we had those, so we didn’t lose anything too important), however, now we have to hunt and…

Labor Day Long Weekend Selfies

Well it was a rather quiet week at our den, but that is the way we like it best! No commotions, MOL/BOL! The weather was reasonable too, though we could maybe have used more rain…we had about 1/4 inch and a lot of storms one night. But the days themselves were nice and warm, not…