Memorial Day Weekend ~ Patriotic Selfies

It  is a long weekend here in the USA. (Two in a row for us with dual citizenship, BOL!) Anypaws, It is Memorial Day Weekend. We hope it will be a safe one for all, so we can take a moment to remember those who served and gave the ultimate price for the freedoms we…

Flashback Straw Hat Selfies

You may have noticed that we have a new look…that is due to the kindness of Miss Ann of Zoolatry, who designed that for us. Thanks so much! ~~~~~~  It seems we might need to reprimand our Petcretary since she didn’t post any pics, let alone new ones for Straw Hat Day. On the other…

Happy Mother’s Day! 2023

We are happy to honor our petcretary today…since she is also our mom figure! Of course our unfurbros give her the most official Mother’s Day honors and greetings! And pawppy too. We love you, Petcretary…um…Mom! Petcretary as a baby with her Mom; early 1955. Petcretary, with her Mom, Dad, sister and baby brother. 1959. Here…

We Missed Cinco De Mayo…Flashbacks for Plan B!

 Well, we did, but not because we or *she* forgot. Petcretary has been busy in our yard, and at her work, and she and pawppy went out a few times, too…which means that picture taking got put on the back burner. so to speak.  Also, she couldn’t find our new Mexican hats and costumes…she got…

Wordless: We Remember Theo

Today is Wordless Wednesday, and we were saddened to hear of Theo’s leaving his earthly dwelling to  reside at the Rainbow Bridge. While we didn’t know him ourselves,  it always makes us feel sad when a furry one becomes an Angel. Fly free, Theo. You will always be loved and remembered by those who loved…