A Boring Week, But Wait, Its Selfie Time!

 Yup, it was rather a boring week here. 

Petcretary picked up at least them more bags of squirrel lures…oops, she meant walnuts. And really, she needs a hard hat, one clunked down on her back just as she was bending over to pick up another for the bag…ouch! At least it did not hit her head…this time. Today there is yet another load ready for more pick up duty. We really are thinking of cutting that tree down. Its more mess and a nuisance than the light open shade it gives. If we do take it down, we’ll plant another species, maybe a sugar maple, or even maybe a red maple, they are so pretty. Something without nuts to clean up every fall…

I, Dalton, like to try to lick her face when she bends over, then she’s right at the right height for little me:)

I, Benji, have decided its fun to find half eaten walnuts, and to try and finish eating  them…so the squirrels won’t get them, LOL! But…um…well, nevermind! (Lets just say, black walnuts are an old fashioned remedy for various intestinal issues…) And Me and Dalton have had fun while *she* is at work or doing errands and we have excavated a large section under our weeping cherry tree…there are snakes and moles under a skid that is there for the time being with the shed (in a box), the pawrents soon will have built…We try to help our peeps to not have those varmints:) We don’t understand why she gets so vexed when she sees our handiwork, no wait, our pawtiwork!

The other day, we heard a big crash and a yell…petcretary had placed a board across the entrance to the living room…a barricade…Phooey…well she had to back in there and she forgot it had been put there, (by herself, mind you!), and she tried to walk right through it…yikes. She skinned the toes on her feet, and crashed into the coffee table…and almost broke our new ceramic mini-us-es…they thankfully were OK. She has bruises on her knees and her pride has suffered a blow as well! Tee-hee! She is OK, and was able to do her work at the nursing home with no issues. Except now she has to try harder to remember to practice what she preaches about safety to the residents about falls, LOL!

Petcretary ‘rescued’ an African Violet from the trash can of one of her ladies that she was caring for, about a year ago. That lady told her she didn’t think it would ‘make it’, but she said it was OK for Petcretary to take it home. So it was given much TLC and after a while it began to look a lot better. Well, that lady passed away a couple months ago, and right now that violet is putting on a beautiful show. It must be giving tribute to its former owner. Petcretary just wishes she could have taken it back to her and shown her how it had revived…so now each time that she looks at it, Petcretary remembers fondly that lady, whom she really had enjoyed taking care of, they had lots of good chats about many things…RIP, Mrs W.

I, ‘Violet’, am showing my pretty blooms in honor of Mrs W, who was my first ‘Mom’!


Now here we are…a couple of really bad images, but they will have to ‘do’ this week! BOL!

Why are you getting so close with that camera thing??
Hi, Petcretary, Whatcha doing? I am a good boy, see the dirt on my schnooter?? BOL!


Petcretary was once again a ‘firstie’ at Teddy’s Teaser, she had the right answer, but was a bit too slow in posting it…which allowed our good blogging friend ‘Timmy’ have a double Firstie…Wow! Congrats to him and his Dad!

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser photo of October 5, 2021!!

 Hmmm, was it really a boring week??

We are joining with The Kitties Blue for their weekly fun feature ‘Sunday Selfies’. We love it, its great to see so many friends there and we thank Miss Janet and her kitties for so faithfully hosting this each week. We are on week 373!! You can join up too, just click on their icon/badge.

Sunday Selfies, week 373!

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7 thoughts on “A Boring Week, But Wait, Its Selfie Time!

  1. Deerest Petcretary PLEESE bee more carefull….you are startin to due BellaSita movess!!! You gotta bee mindfull. Wee not want you innjured or inn Hospital….Guud Greef!
    HURRAH fore beein a Ferstie on THE Teezer!
    Now that littel Violet lookss speck-taculur!
    An Dalton an Benji yore Selfiess are lovelee purr usual….you both are so fotogenick!
    ***nose rubss*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita

  2. Yikes Petcretary we are glad you are okay after the mishap with the board. I’m sorry t hear about the loss of Mrs. W., I know it must be hard to care for someone and lose them. The violet plant is a lovely tribute to her. Those are some sharp selfies, guys! Congrats to Petcretary for being a right guesser.

  3. Wow Kamikaze mom eh? I know, I would do exactly the same thing……

    I love the African Violet and I am sorry the lady did not see it. I have a friend who could just keep them in her bathroom and they thrived. I tried and they just faded away!

  4. Nuts can be a problem and yes, they attract squirrels. My hubby has picked thousands of chestnuts this year. They are so good. Nice selfies from both of you. And congrats to petcretary for being a first commenter. XO

  5. It has been a banner year for black walnuts here too (in NE Ohio) They are almost carpeting the lawn and make it easy to turn an ankle ! The squirrels don;t even seem interested.

  6. Those are really sweet pictures of you two. We hope your Mom is ok. She could have gotten badly hurt, and are thankful she didn’t. We have some kind of a nut tree in our back yard, too, and the squirrels sit in the trees and shell the nuts, dropping the shells everywhere.
    XOX Xena and Lucy

  7. That doesn’t sound so boring after all! Oh dear, we – um, older ladies have to be careful about falling! I took a spill a few weeks ago, and was talking to a friend recently who also had a little fall! If we only come out of it with a few bruises, that’s a good thing!!
    We think your photos are not so bad, and you two look adorable as always. ♥

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