Pre St Patrick’s Day Sunday-Selfies

 Yup, we are a wee bit early with St Paddy’s Day…but actually we think its better to be a wee bit ahead of schedule, than to late. We don’t like being the cow’s tail, BOL!

We have had some really tantalizing spring weather and all our snow is gone, even where it had been piled high!

But not to get our hopes up too much, cause the temps are supposed to cool off and we might even have more snow. Sheesh. Winter likes to do battle with spring and they fight it out to the bitter end, LOL! The fights must have been terrible, cause the past couple of days have been VERY windy! We have a wind mobile in our yard, and petcretary thought it was going to fly away! 

We are yawning a lot today…petcretary, too…the clock had an hour stolen from them, hence everyone had an hour of much needed sleep stolen as well! Its a crime we say; a crime! The coffee pot is working overtime today, LOL!


So you all know that everyone is Irish on March 17th, right?? Well, apparently that means us, too…. 

I needed to be incognito…so that no one will embarrass me with questions about my (Irish) heritage…
Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Petcretary was up early this past Tuesday, and was jamming the doorway to Teddy’ Blog, and she burst through along with four others…what a tight squeeze that was, but it was worth it, LOL!!

She got the early bird badge…but this Teaser was very hard, in fact it was a doozy and stumped everyone. Petcretary spent way too much time trying to sleuth the mystery picture, she virtually traveled all over the globe! Then she landed at the bottom of the globe in New Zealand…and she thought she had found it…so she posted her guess…then later she changed her answer…but neither was correct! Sheesh! She should not have done that…nevertheless, at the Tell All, she found out she had been almost there in her first guess, the spot in NZ.

So ‘Professor Teddy’ gave her a close but no cigar badge! LOL!!

Here is the picture we were all trying hard to figure out:

Milford Sound in New Zealand


We were very saddened to hear about Genji, From The Poupounette, having to become an Angel Kitty. He struggled with health issues for quite a long while, but its so sad when they have to say goodbye, till we meet again. His family is heart broken and missing him terribly.
We made a memorial card in his honor. 

We are joined up to the Sunday Selfie Hop at The Kitties Blue. Thanks all of you for faithfully hosting, each week!

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10 thoughts on “Pre St Patrick’s Day Sunday-Selfies

  1. Awww, adorable selfies! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Congrats on the teaser, that was a tough one and I’d never have come anywhere near that close, lol!
    That is so sad about Genji.

  2. Happy Saint Patrick’s Day boys. You look wonderful no need to hide. Congrats on your DOUBLE Badge at the Teaser! What a great accomplishment. We will visit and give our respects

  3. March winds are pretty (in)famous. You two look VEY Irish (and adorable). Early happy St. Patty’s Day to y’all. P.S. The folks have already started on their St. Patty’s day mixed drinks and Irish whiskey! We don’t get any…

  4. Mee-yow it sure was a sad week fore Numburr #1. Wee mee-yow our sympaffiess over at THE Poupouentte Bloggie….Now there iss onlee Tama Chan of Chan Kittiess..iss sad….
    Now to you two poochie doggiess!! Of coarse yore Irish!!! Mew mew mew….
    Yore both hansum Dalton an Benji; butt wee agree Benji yore so stylin inn yore sunnyglassess!
    Happy Saint Paddy’ss Day to efurryone there.
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew

  5. You boys are all decked out for St. Patrick’s Day-such cuties. Maybe you will score some Greenies treats. 🙂 Congrats to the petcretary for being a first commenter. Very sad to see another kitty pass. XO

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