Happy St Patrick’s Day!

 It St Patrick’s Day…and everyone is supposed to be Irish, right??!?

Well, petcretary was away from home for a couple of days at a ladies retreat from her Church…and so she hastily made some ‘Irish’ images just before she left…some turned out OK…

We survived with Pawppy taking care of us….but we love *her* better, esp Dalton, BOL!

Before the imbibement of the traditional green beer….
This is how we feel after too much of that green beer, BOL, BOL!!!

Earlier this week at Teddy’s Tuesday Teaser Petcretary was a ‘firstie’ to class, and she guessed correctly though just a few minutes too late to be a double firstie!  Oh well….

And in just a few more days it will officially be SPRING! The Vernal Equinox! Its a favorite season for petcretary, with much beauty and usually not too hot temps….same with Fall, her other fave.

 Siberian squill (Siberica scilla); These come up all over our yard each spring, this one is in a place that never had any before.

Another crocus, just growing inbetween the mulch rocks…these are the only ones that have showed up…no idea why the other purple and yellow ones didn’t…sigh…Squirrels??

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! This fun weekly hop is hoasted as always by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head

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11 thoughts on “Happy St Patrick’s Day!

  1. Guys, y’all are cute as pie in those St.Pat’s outfits! Those are nice flower pictures, and congrats to Petcretary on the Teaser!

  2. Those hats really do suit you both. I’m sure though there isn’t an ounce of leprechaun mischief in either of you 😉. And there certainly is nothing but beauty and spring delight in those blooms.


  3. Gosh the gang looks fabulous all “Irished Up” and ready to celebrate the day. Green beer – we’ll be having that in a while when we go next door for dinner with the neighbors. Teddy won’t even notice we’re gone – he’ll be asleep somewhere in the house dreaming of leprechauns no doubt.  HAPPY ST. PAT’S DAY TO YOU! 

    Hugs, Pam

  4. I had beer float foam once when I was a puppy. It was really, really good. Mom got a picture of me looking kinda “loopy” BOL! XOX Xena

    You two always look adorable in your pictures. Your Mom does a wonderful job staging and taking them. The Mom

  5. You two sure look greenie gorgeous and Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!

  6. WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT a fun celebration you all had. I think Green is the new fashion color of the year and you all wear it well. Spring is everywhere…except in NC we awoke to 35 today and have a freeze warning for tonight

    Hugs Cecilia

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