(Very Belated)Happy Birthday to Benji

Sometimes we think we might need to send our petcretary to time management classes, BOL!!

Anypaws, she was busy with outside chores here, and giving drinks to all our very thirsty plants. She pulled up tons of weeds…they seem to keep doing fine despite the drought conditions.We still have not seen a drop of rain here, though there was some in the south parts of our city…And she had to be at her work…and all kinds of excuses! We think most of you know all about that kind of thing.
(BTW, if you have not heard from us, we have only been able to get to a few blogs to visit/comment…we hope to get to you soon!)

Well, on Tuesday the 6th, it was Benji’s 5th birthday! Yup, time sure does fly!

She didn’t even sit down to post the card on his day….so here it is now:

Here are some other pics of the birthday boy as he was celebrating it…you can betcha that all those fancy things came off and treats were had both by Benji ;and Dalton, too, even though he did a funny photobomb…

I am king for the day! Sheesh!
Well, this hat is easier to wear than that crown…b ut, well it looks kind of silly!
This was the image in my card. I was happy not to have on any kind of head gear.
At least it wasn’t hot…this T-shirt is actually kind of comfy. Better than any hat/crown, BOL!
Too bad I have to wait for real ice cream and bones…
Thinking about what the year ahead will bring….
Here is the backside of my T-shirt.
Sheesh, he can be SO annoying sometimes…
Its offurcial! I am Five!


Last week at Teddy’s Teaser Class, petcretary provided the picture that was supposed to be the teaser…but, apparently not as it was guessed correctly pretty soon by our own Selfie Sunday Hostess, Miss Janet from The Cat On My Head!

Anyways, here it is:

Seven Sisters Falls in Geirangerfjord, Norway.

Petcretary was on time to be one of three first commenters as well. Here’s the reward for that:

And here is the reward she got for sending in the teaser picture.

OK, that was fun!!



 Blogville had to say goodbye to yet another beloved kitty; Tanaka

Tanaka ~ You can visit his blog HERE if you haven’t already, to leave your message of comfort. If anyone has his Mom’s email could you forward this to her? Thanks!


The Birthday Boy will join the Sunday Selfies

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10 thoughts on “(Very Belated)Happy Birthday to Benji

  1. Happy Birthday to Benji, he looks so cute in his outfits, and that is a nice card you made for him! We’re very sorry to learn of the loss of Tanaka.

  2. Benji – a most happy slightly belated birthday dear boy! Humans get so busy sometimes they forget VIDs (Very Important Days). But that doesn’t mean they don’t love you to the moon and back so enjoy your late party and here’s to tons more of them!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Happy birthday and happy new year of your life, Benji! May you enjoy every day of it in good health and with all the things and people you love. Your friends, Lucy, Chia, Xena and Riley

  4. Just look at all those toys! I bet there isn’t any nip in them else I’d be over like a shot, MOL
    And that photobomb is the best yet! What a comedy team you make at times.
    Happy Birthday Benji!

  5. Hey, Benji, at least they showed the backside of your TEE…not…uh…something else. Bon anniversaire.

  6. OMC!!!! Benji wee are furry furry beelated!!! Pleese accept mee apawlogeess!! Alot of weereenss heer two…
    Happy 5th Birfday deer frend! You look ADOORBSS inn your crown an pawty hat an sweater…..THE sweater Does look cozy! An you gotted lotss of nice giftiess!!
    A Dalton fotobommed you guud!!! Butt it ISS a cute foto!
    Wee hope beein 5 iss fun an grate an wunderful just like YOU Benji ❤ ❤
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum

  7. Happy Belated Birthday, Benji! Don’t feel bad, our Mom missed both of our birthdays (though we don’t know Copper’s exact date). She is such a slacker! BOL Love, Max & Copper Sue

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