Post Birthday Selfies

Yup, we are late with these…but *she* was working and had a lot of other not doggy stuff as well. Sure…excuses, excuses, BOL!!

Anyways here am I, Benji!

First the card she made for me…

An ussie…and look, I Dalton don’t have any tags!! They are lost…in the back wooded area of our yard…sigh….rabies tag, name tag and license…yikes! I guess I had best stay at home, eh?!

Now we have to pause for a moment to give our condolences to ManxMnews, because Miss Boo has become an Angel Kitty. She was twenty! Wow, but still its never long enough…What a pretty kitty she was! How she will be missed, by her family and all who knew and loved her.

MissBoo  Her family can be visited here.

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head, who host this weekly fun hop. Thanks Kitties Blue!

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11 thoughts on “Post Birthday Selfies

  1. our condolences to the family of Boo. Happy Birthday dear Benji.. LOVE all the photos, but you knew that before I said it… kisses and hugs to both of you

  2. Better late than never right Benji??! I know it was a wonderful birthday – Moms do a good job making sure we are happy on our birthdays (and sometimes our siblings do too!).

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Looks like you had a good birthday, Benji. Is that cookie hard to chew? Dalton, me and Lucy and Chia talked about it (Riley was asleep) and we decided as long as your Momma has papers showing you got your rabies vac and city license, you’re good to go! (maybe make copies to keep in the car, too) XOX Xena and my pack

    We’re so sorry about Miss Boo. Doesn’t matter how long one of us lives, our pawrents are never ready to let us go to purrland or cross the rainbow bridge.

  4. We finally found you! Sorry for the delay, Mom has added the correct link to our list. Happy birthday Benji! We are glad that we are back blogging and did not miss it! And we thank you for stopping by on Meezer Day! We too think that Pipo & Minko were the most gorgeous Meezers and I bet they were at the Pawty OTB yesterday! Your Mom is pawsome, we LOVE the badge for Boo. Purrs Marvelous Marv, Kozmo, Jo Jo, Cinnamon and Mom barb

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