Now For Something Different Sunday Selfies

 Whoa, Saturday petcretary was on call for her work…so she stayed at home base with us…waiting for a call…thankfully it didn’t happen(!), so she was playing around with some of our pictures for fun…

Friday she spent most of the day outside taking care of the lawn mowing chores and weed removal, etc. Oh, and trying to exterminate those pesky and ravenous Japanese beetles. UGH. They don’t seem to discriminate about their foods…but they LOVE our two wisteria vines…maybe that is why they won’t bloom.

Usually she has pretty good results with dahlias, but the two new pots she got in the early spring are not doing well at all…she treats them the same as always, but they are just slowly petering away. They were SO pretty when they first came. She pulled up and replanted into our raised garden beds, some native blooms…and hopes to create a pollinator area along with other flowers and plants. Hope being the operative word. She wants to plant some small trees to try and shade our patio which gets to be like an oven slab (Fry an egg or bake a pizza?)…maybe a redbud or a dogwood…nothing large that might ruin the concrete. Lilac shrubs can grow very large, too…but we don’t think the shade will be there enough in our lifetime…after all they are ‘seniors’ already…pushing 70 soon enough! the trees might not either, but they last many years and would enhance the property for any future owner of this place.

Anypaws, life is pretty ordinary here nothing exciting to report! We think that is a good thing…

Here are the original images that petcretary ‘played’ with:

And here are the various results of her alterations.She was trying out something that Marjory from Dash Kitten had a little tutorial about.

First she turned them all black and white…and then the fun started!

This Amaryllis was so beautiful!
My eye sure looks different than in the original now that  its ‘singled out’.
The eyes have it!
One of the first blooms when the weather was becoming springlike.


Rocking the shades!
I look like I’ve dyed my tongue with bubblegum paint, BOL!
I like this very much, Petcretary! Better than the silly glasses one, BOL!

Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy’s Tuesday Teaser, and she had the right answer, but wasn’t fast enough to be a double firstie…

Now we have to be serious once again, because the RB had to reopen the gates for new angels.Sigh…



We’re hopping along with all the Sunday Selfies! The Cat On My Head has had some special days…visit, enjoy and be amazed!

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11 thoughts on “Now For Something Different Sunday Selfies

  1. Super photo fun – we’re lucky if we just get a regular photo done and apply some Lunapic magic but we do LOVE what you’ve done with the effects! Congrats again on two badges on Teaser this past week too!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. I like the way you eyes pop in a couple of those pictures! That’s a cool way to deal with black dogs with dark eyes that don’t photograph well. Knowing my luck, if I tried, my dog would end up looking demonic!

  3. Mee-yow Dalton an Benji it usre iss a two **hot** Summer fore all of us, plantss inncluded!! Wee sorry THE flowerss are not doin well. Our Rose bushess are not doin well eether….
    An THE Hydrangea has to bee watered 2-3 timess a day beecause off THE beetin Sun on it from 5 A Em til 2 Pee Em!
    Wee love all THE fotoss! An Dalton mee ADOORSS yore BEEG shadess foto!!! Yore so ADOORBSS!
    Petcretary you did grate with Black an White an then colorin just one part of foto!! Yore a naturelle at this!!!
    Stay kewl an safe deer frendss!
    ~~~~head rubss~~~~BellaDharma~~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  4. So glad your Mom (Petcretary) had some time off to do yardwork and play on the computer! Those black and whites with just a bit of color are really pretty. I especially love that last picture of Benji. Is Dalton getting cataracts? It looks like there’s blue in the center parts of his eyes.

    • Could be…he’s a senior pup…but I did mess with the original image to brighten it up…hence the odd colored tongue…and he was also reflecting the blue sky, I think.

      He’s getting quite grey around his muzzle and also the ear tips. His black ‘tuxedo’ is showing some salt and pepper shading, now, too.

  5. Hi there this pretty morning! I just read Marjorie’s article a few minutes ago and I really resonated with what she said. I wrote her a note telling her about an experience and some loving criticisms I get from my truly master photographer son. So enjoyed your photos today and they both look wonderful with your editing! Of course, I enjoy every time I come here. 🙂

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