Selfies from ‘The Oven’!

 Yes, its like an oven here…or maybe a sauna would be a better description! We are in the 90’sF around here, with daytime temps ranging from 92 – 95. UGH. And the humidity levels are from about 60 – 75%, that’s where the sauna part comes in…UGH to the max. When petcretry goes outside to pick up our downloads, and to water the plants, she comes back in in about 30 minutes looking like she just came out of the shower! Ugh, did you hear?? UGH!!! Today is more of the same, but added into the mix are rainy periods when it drips for about ten minutes. Then it’s even more muggy! The joys of living in Michigan!

Our two unfurbros came by today, put together our new charcoal grill, and then cooked us a very yummy vegan meal! Not our normal style here, but it was still delicious! And a nice break from our own cooking, plus no hot kitchen!

We expect a storm system to come though which is predicted to give us a bit of relief for a day or two…then back to the cooker!

Anypaws, here we are with our selfies for this week.

This past Tuesday, at Teddy’s Tuesday Teaser Class, petcretary and four others were all in the doorway as first commenters all at the same time! So we got a special badge as a reward!!!

Then later in the day when she had more time, she hunted down the teaser image…and put in her guess…she thought it had already been guessed, but well, hers was the first correct one, even that late in the day! So she got another badge for that effort!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of June 18-2024… was TRULY MY DAY!

If you want to have some fun, and even a lunch, come and join us if you haven’t been there before! 

Now we are going to add the Sunday Selfie Badge, as we hook up with that fun blog hop, as hosted each and every week by the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head! Doesn’t matter if you are a cat or a dog or any other creature willing to share your selfie! Thanks, Kitties Blue!
The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop is HERE!

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11 thoughts on “Selfies from ‘The Oven’!

  1. We are used to very high humidity here (90+) but that is way too hot! Lovely selfies from both of you.

  2. We’re in the oven too and it’s not fun is it! I’m getting to go outside but Mom and Dad always accompany me and I think they’re not having fun either being in the heat/humidity. We are supposed to have some rain today but that might not help much. Our heat index should be 105 today. How weird is that? Anyway, keep as cool and comfy as you can – I think our humans are worse off then we are!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Well done on your wins! Wow, that IS super hot and humid. UK has quite humidity, due to the rain, but still sitting in high 70s.

    Stay well, hydrated, and fed. Less exercise and more food help, I find. Plant-based whole food is a great way to go. I’m glad you had a great BBQ!


  4. Well, the heat has not harmed your good looks, you both look as handsome as ever. we are having the UGH also. right now at 8:30 we are 79 feels like 86 and 90 percent HUMID.. oy vey, by 2 we will be close to 100.. yesterday just before noon it hit 96 and climbing. we are living a a pressure cooker




    • It went into spam…silly blogger…but I took it out of jail!

  6. Nice selfies, boys. Our Mom doesn’t ever think to do that for us. (Grrr). And our weather’s been the same temps as yours, which is odd…it’s usually at least 10 degrees hotter, and we’re sure glad it isn’t! XOX Xena and my pack

  7. You both look wunderfull Dalton an Benji!!! Wee two had heet an hue-miditee fore 3 dayss an nitess. Then it broke an it has been Okay efurr since an even chilley at nite?!?!

    ***nose bopss*** BellaDharma an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

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